What to expect from a yoga class at Spatiu

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes start Jan 2, 2023 here at Spatiu, and with less than a few weeks to go, we wanted to give you a sneak peak. Here’s the breakdown…

Warm up

Kundalini yoga classes start by tuning in (a short mantra that we sing together), followed by a light warm up sequence. This can last anywhere between 5’-15’ and might also include breathwork aka pranayama.

Kriya set

This is the main chunk of the class, where we get to move and do other fun stuff! Kriya means doing an action whose result is already known. Every kriya set brings a specific result, which varies from physical stuff (better sleep, stronger digestion…) to more esoteric aspects (finding love, seeing the unseen…). By the science and combination of different pieces of kundalini technology, each kriya set moves us closer to the end goal. Yay!

Short relaxation

Most kriya sets are followed by a short relaxation. Breaks are important!


Given the generous 90’ of our classes here at Spatiu, we have the time to throw in a meditation as well. This can be very active (you might get to sing, move your fingers, shake your body, dance like a tree… who knows!) and almost guaranteed to end in a spiritual experience of some sort.

Final relaxation

We love to take a minimum of 8 minutes in final relaxation (aka savasana or dead man’s pose because you just lie there on the mat like a dead man) and play a gong recording which, given the cool underground cellar accoustic we’ve got going on at Spatiu, will have you tripping in and out of this world! Pretty cool, huh?

Already excited for a Kundalini Yoga & Meditation class at Spatiu?

We start Jan 2, 2023 and we advise booking in advance. Remeber to bring your own mat and props - small cushion, blanket - you know you best ;)


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